16 Jul A Look at Brand Identity
Over the last several months, Now & Zen has been working on a brand refresh. Our goal: To refine our messaging and highlight what makes us stand out as a production agency. We’re excited to share the results with you (stay tuned!). But in the meantime, we wanted to share some branding ideas that have helped us in this process.
Define How You Are Different
Define How You Are Different
Focus on what you do that no one else does. Your entire brand flows from this idea, and it influences how you tell your story to the world.
Showcase Your Passion
Showcase Your Passion
Passion is what makes your branding three-dimensional. The adage is: Show don’t tell. In other words, your brand can breakthrough when you show your audience your passion. (Ours is producing immersive and memorable events for the world’s most successful brands!)
Stay Consistent
Stay Consistent
Consistency builds confidence. It helps clients know who you are and what you stand for no matter the platform – from a billboard to your Twitter feed. One tool that helps is a brand guide. Well-articulated guidelines ensure your entire team – from the executive suite, to the sales floor – knows your voice, personality and what you stand for.
Be Authentic
Be Authentic
Authenticity makes your branding engaging. Your audience doesn’t want to feel like it’s on a sales call; they want to connect with brands that talk to them like a friend would. Avoid jargon and be true in your storytelling – that’s what people respond to.
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